Organizational and Educational
Sponsoring Subscribers ...thanks to these organizations
for supporting the work
of Literacies and our community
of readers and writers... |

Literacy of Canada
...as a national charitable
organization, we work to
improve basic literacy skills
to meet changing Canadian
train volunteer tutors who
help Canadians learn to read
and write and we operate a
national bookstore that provides
resources to literacy practitioners
and adult literacy students. Our
slogan “Each One Teach
One” reflects our direct
and personal way of teaching
literacy skills. |
Roots Press
...provides a full line
of adult literacy materials
for practitioners and students.
...we believe that the
best resources are those
developed by literacy educators.
From tutor training materials,
to landmark research findings,
to exceptional student materials,
our resources are a testament
to the fine work carried
on by literacy practitioners
like yourselves.

of Literacies at the
Ontario Institute of Studies
in Education/University
of Toronto
...building links between
recent theory and research
in adult literacy and the
world of policy and practice
with an emphasisis on social
and cultural understandings
about the nature of "literacies."
...host of an annual
speaker series and courses
(some online) that promote
new inspiration, candid
discussions, and renewed
community with their peers. |
Literacy Research in Ontario at CentreAlphaPlusCentre
... this adult
literacy research database
is a bilingual starting
place to learn about adult
literacy research and practice
in Ontario.
...practitioners and
researchers can visit this
site to conduct research
and stay informed about projects
and publications in Canada
and around the world. |

Union of Public Employees
(CUPE) National
Literacy Project
...The goals of the project
are to:
- Raise awareness about
workplace education in
CUPE locals.
- Provide training and
resources to CUPE locals
that want to set up workplace
education programs.
- Strengthen local unions
by using clear language
communication to reach
more CUPE members.
Literacy Coalition
...The OLC's roles are to:
- advocate and be a strong
voice for literacy
- do research and develop
- communicate and co-ordinate
- help members and others
who are interested in literacy
develop professionally.
a sponsor ...
click on the Sponsor or the
Subscribe tab to see how. |